Tuesday, July 21, 2009

If Everyone was famous then no one would be..

Where will you end up in another 10-15 years ? Some people might comment,"I'm gonna be rich and famous, I'm gonna be a Movie star" or someone might want to be something more stereotypical like an Engineer, Doctor, Architect or what ever. But does everyone get to be what they want to be ? Does anyone who aspires to become someone become that someone ?
These are few of the questions running through my head since a few days, which makes me wonder is the saying really true i.e, "Some people are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them" is it destiny that controls our life or is it Karma or is it just plain Ambition that decides what strata of society you are going to be a part of in the future?

What happens to the people who don't achieve what they want, what kind of a life do they live after they realize that they cant achieve what they wanted to ?

Do they live as mere shadows of their former selves sulking in their failure or do they move on and settle for something average according to their standards ?

Like a person who dreams of being a Celebrity, but he ends up working a 9 to 5 desk job where only a handful of people recognize him ? What kind of pain does he go through, and does he accept the fact that he cannot be someone famous but is and always will be someone average, how does this person live with himself after he realizes that he cannot get what he wanted to for
so long ?
Is he more affected by his failure than a Taxi driver who wanted to be a Taxi owner but couldn't ?

How does life move on for people like the wannabe Celebrity ?

Is the saying,"Everything happens for the best" a fact or fiction ?

These are few of the things i might never get an answer for, but i am hoping i would some day (Not by personal experience thou *smirks*).

On the other hand celebrities wouldn't exist without the general populous who look up to them and idolize them. So maybe some people may achieve what they want to while most won't probably just to maintain the equilibrium of social status. Maybe its just plain luck that comes into play with matters regarding one's future. Or in other words a persons Destiny has been decided even before the person came into existence.

like i said i wouldn't know for sure unless i or someone i know very well experiences it first hand.
When, where, what and how a person becomes great is still unknown to to me but one can is.

So maybe what Shakespeare quoted is true,"Some people are born great, others achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them"

your point of view is highly appreciated do comment.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Boredom and the making of Fiction...

The other day me and my brothers (my elder brother and my cousin) were sitting at a cafe more of a Sheesha joint, and were discussing theories of the apocalypse, and how life would be if the world was devastated by natural calamities like some scientists have predicted to be specific if we face another ice age due to some specific volcanoes erupting and blocking the sun rays or due to a nuclear war as we seem to be at the brink of one and always will be at it, and stuff like that ( a completely hypothetical situation but we had to talk bout something to pass our time and plus my cousin was all paranoid about it because supposedly the world is gonna have some rapid changes or end in the year 2012) ... so if something like such happens the money system is bound to collapse the only thing of value would be food, clothing and shelter we would be back to the ancient and will have to abide by the barter system, people with power will be the ones physically stronger and who can be better leaders or who has the manpower and means of achieving the above... like it was in the old days.. anyways we were talking about this and my cousin being in the real estate business was thinking of making an underground bunker with all the necessary supplies like weapons, food, water and an underground parking space so on and so forth.. Food would be more in the form of army canteen which has a shelf life of 12-15 years approx., and water more in the form of a water body of top of the shelter (it is the basic model of an underground shelter to have a water body on top of it basically to absorb radiation) or we would figure the water supply out when we would actually start building a shelter. We did also talk about how we will make our empire out of the ashes as most of the people will require what we have and we will require what services they have to offer, and basically how we would treat our employees and stuff... would we be evil or nice... etc etc..

This was our evening discussion that day and have discussed a lot more things in detail which i am feeling to lazy to type out right now... the topic was completely random and i felt it was a bit unusual than our everyday discussions.. thus i felt like sharing it.. if anybody bothers to read... and if i have offended anybody or am wrong at any point... I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK.. lol just kidding tell me what u think..